New PD Fingerprinting Procedure at NY Immigration Court

Safe Passage, August 16, 2016

SPP LogoOn Friday, August 12, 2016, ICE Deputy Chief Counsel Susan Beschta was present at the juvenile docket before Assistant Chief Immigration Judge Mary Cheng, and clarified the new fingerprinting procedure for respondents requesting prosecutorial discretion (“PD”).

In short, the Office of Chief Counsel will be liasing regularly with USCIS to submit bulk requests for fingerprinting appointments, for those respondents requesting PD that are 14 or older and have not be printed by USCIS for other relief (e.g. following the submission of an asylum application).

Safe Passage Project has summarized the new policy in the following memo: Safe Passage Project_Memo re New PD Policy 7.27.2016.

If you have any questions, or need help identifying the ICE Assistant Chief Counsel counterpart, please contact your Safe Passage Project mentor attorney. Special thanks to our Staff Attorney Stephanie Gibbs for her work on this update.