We wanted to share some good news to start the week. One of our stellar pro bono attorneys obtained orders for guardianship and special findings in Kings County Family Court for an 8 year-old girl who lives with her aunt in Brooklyn. Following is an excerpt from the pro bono, describing the judge and everyone in the courtroom after they heard the girl’s testimony:
“Maria* was Maria – she won over his heart. When he granted the Petition for Guardianship and my Motion for a Special Circumstances Order for SIJS there was not a dry eye in that court room. Even the Court Attorney and Court Officer (who never cracked a smile before – where overwhelmed with emotion with this little girl). The judge was totally transformed. That child was so sincere and so genuine – she was so proud of her accomplishments in school and of her English that it warmed everyone’s heart. The judge could not possibly have said no. When Maria spoke about her aunt, her entire face lit up and she had this big smile. She looked at Elizabeth* with pure love in her eyes. There was no question what was in her best interests to grant the petition…To see Maria’s face today in court made all our efforts worth while. She is so happy to be in this country and is working so hard at it.”