Written by Nicola Chambers, 3L, Safe Passage Student
The November 14th juvenile docket was very busy. However, despite the busy docket, the Safe Passage team’s seamless coordination throughout the morning ensured that each child present was interviewed and had an opportunity to appear before the judge. By the end of the docket, the Safe Passage team interviewed 22 returning children and 10 new children, and help them all secure adjournments.
I especially enjoyed the November docket because I was able to lead on my first interview. It was really cool working with a translator, who also happened to be one of my Safe Passage classmates. I also had the opportunity to appear before the judge to ask for continuance for the young lady I interviewed. I was very nervous but I was more in awe that I was actually standing before the judge making a request on behalf of a real live person.!!! The experience was amazing and it almost made me feel like a real lawyer!!!! I am still smiling!!!
After leaving the docket that day, I felt really fortunate to be a part of the Safe Passage project which offers students the unique opportunity to work with the vulnerable population of children who come to the Safe Passage Project for representation. I am especially appreciative of the hands-on legal experience that Safe Passage Project gives to evening students like myself who oftentimes are unable to participate in many internship/externship opportunities because of having a full-time day job.
Even though the November juvenile docket was my second docket with the Safe Passage Project, I can’t help but still be in awe every time I observe the number of children that show up at the dockets who desperately need the assistance of Safe Passage Project to avoid being sent back to their home countries to live in horrible situations which they are trying to escape. These children and their families that show up at the dockets also represent the number of lives the Safe Passage Project has touched and work tirelessly to help have better futures,
Thanks to all our Safe Passage Pro-bono attorneys and interpreters for making Thursday’s docket a great success!!!! You were amazing!!
Adena Altman, Rachel Baskins, Jennifer Bautista, Brent Byers, Lee Coch, Alison Cole, Vivianna Cosme Bravo, Dana Davidson, Michelle Dellatorre, Katherine Doscher, Luisa Florez, Aydee Garzon, Jordan Harlow, Ilham Kamar, Amberin Khan, Marie Kimmel, Filomena Leppore, Sharon Matasar, Carlin Meyer, Sara Morton, Sandra Nichols, Heather Olberg, Jessica Orozco, David Pyun, Claire Razzolini,Jennifer Rogers, Jamal Romero, Kelly Weiner, Andrea Weitzman, Marcus Yi, and Joanne Zach.
As always, thanks to our core team of students and professors who worked tirelessly on each docket to ensure Safe Passage Project’s continued success.
Astrid Avedissian, Natalie Bello,, Lenni Benson, Vanessa Caicedo, Nicola Chambers, Susan Henner, Kara Kelly, Luisa Lebron, Joanna Lehmann, Elana Loeffler, Christine Magee, Bethany Ow, Wilda Rodriguez, Karla Rosero, Martin Rothstein, Gui Stampur, Geraldine Taveras, and Virginia Vasquez.
Please contact Bethany Ow at bethany.ow@nyls.edu if you would like to volunteer at any future juvenile dockets.