Safe Passage Attends Columbia Social Work Fair

Safe Passage, February 9, 2015

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By Christelle Onwu

Attending the Columbia University School of Social Work Placement Fair on February 02, 2015 as a Policy intern at Safe Passage Project was an amazing and humbling experience. It provided me with the opportunity to meet prospective students interested in interning with Safe Passage Project. Like me, the students were very eager to learn about the different ways to advocate and assist unaccompanied minors obtain resources like pro bono attorneys to represent them in immigration proceedings and obtain referral services for either school registration or health insurance. Though I have been at Safe Passage for a month now, I found myself talking to the students about my experiences and how much I have been able to learn in this short period of time. My enthusiasm and passion for immigration issues were portrayed through my discussions as one student noticed and mentioned that I seemed very excited about the work I was doing. Thus, I must really love my internship. Since starting the internship, I had not taken time to reflect upon all that I have learned. Taking part in the fair enabled me to assess what I had learned thus far and share my experiences with students who have a similar vision.