Safe Passage Attorney of the Month

Safe Passage, November 1, 2017

We are proud to feature Greg Perl as our Safe Passage Project Attorney of the Month.

Greg Perl is the owner and managing partner of Perl Law where he specializes in all types of complex immigration issues.  Pro bono is an important part of Greg’s practice and he tries to always have an active pro bono case.  Over the years he has volunteered with a variety of local immigration organizations.

Greg volunteered with Safe Passage during a juvenile docket at the New York Immigration Court and took on the case of the young person he helped that day.  “We knew we had a strong case, and he was an excellent client,” Greg recalls.  “He was easy to communicate with…and was great in collecting documents from his home country.”  While the young person was eligible for both Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) and asylum, they decided to pursue asylum.  Greg explains that his client was “shy, but, he was able to explain his story.  He faced serious adversity in his home country and the asylum officer was able to see that.”

Through all his hard work and preparation, Greg was able to secure asylum relief for his client.  Greg enjoys working on asylum cases and representing children in immigration court.  “They are in such a vulnerable position,” Greg explained, “My client did not have either parent in the United States to care for him.  I cannot imagine what it would feel like to move to a foreign country at such a young age without parents.”

When asked what he would say to attorneys who are thinking of taking on a pro bono case, Greg encourages attorneys to take a case as there is “plenty of need in New York.”  He added, “the staff at Safe Passage serve as an excellent resource, so even if you take on a case outside your comfort zone you will be well-guided and learn valuable skills.”

Greg is currently handling a new pro bono case on behalf of Safe Passage, in which he is pursuing SIJS for a youth who recently lost his ability to renew deferred action when the DACA program was repealed.

Thank you for doing such an amazing job Greg.  Safe Passage is proud to have such a dedicated and thoughtful pro bono partner.  We are excited to see how you are able to help your next Safe Passage client!