Support a child’s right to a safe and stable future.
Your gift will help provide free legal services to vulnerable immigrant and refugee children seeking protection from persecution and violence. Here are the three ways you can give:
1. Mail a check to Safe Passage Project, 185 West Broadway, New York, NY 10013
Please note that Safe Passage Project does not share donor data with third parties.
Pays for a child’s travel costs to and from court around NYC and Long Island.
Helps Safe Passage train pro bono attorneys in immigration law.
Provides 6 months of legal representation and social work services to a child facing deportation.

Over 2,000 refugee and immigrant children in
New York are facing the immigration court alone.
Help us get that number to zero.
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Success Stories
Every donation makes a difference
Check out some of our success stories to learn more about how your donation helps.
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