Our Work
2,000+ refugee and immigrant children in New York face deportation without a lawyer. Our mission is to get that number to zero.
How We Help
The majority of our clients are fleeing El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, but we have clients from all over the world.
We serve immigrant children in New York City and Long Island under the age of 21. Our team of Safe Passage Project attorneys stands up for these children by standing with them in immigration court, speaking on their behalf to the judge, explaining how they qualify for legal protection (e.g., asylum or protection for victims of trafficking). These children have a legal right to be heard and to have a fair process to determine if they may remain permanently in the United States.
Without a lawyer, the immigration process is prohibitively complex for a child to navigate and more than 3 out of 4 children are deported despite qualifying for protections under U.S. law. With a lawyer, these statistics are reversed, and 3 out of 4 children with representation obtain legal relief, meaning protection from the violence and persecution they fled.
To strengthen our capacity to provide high quality legal assistance to all immigrant children, we recruit, train, and mentor pro bono attorneys. Thanks to this pro bono model, our growing staff can take on over 700 cases — and we win over 80% of the time. Our goal is to help all immigrant children gain representation, immigration status, and a safe home in the United States.

Over 800
Children Helped
We are proud to boast an 80% success rate
in our cases.

400 +
Pro Bono Attorneys
We closely mentor attorneys representing immigrant children pro bono to give them the best chance at success.

Over 1700
Lawyers Trained
We extend our reach by holding training events to teach individuals how to most effectively represent immigrant children.
Immigration process questions?
We’ve compiled an encyclopedia of immigration resources for attorneys.
Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Manual
This manual is a step-by-step guide for representation of SIJS-eligible clients.

Serving the unmet needs of immigrant children
Safe Passage in Schools serves the unmet needs of immigrant children enrolled in New York City public schools. In 2014, Safe Passage In Schools assisted over 40 children in family court, immigration court and before the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
Learn More
Need Help?
Safe Passage Project gives lawyers to immigrant children under the age of 21 in New York City and Long Island. If you are in need of help, click below to contact us.
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Want to Help?
Safe Passage Project is able to succeed because of the dedication of passionate lawyers and non-lawyers alike. Volunteer with us or apply for an open position!
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